Tag Archives: garden innovation

Water Bore Quote Leederville

Virgin Bores was quoting on a new submersible water bore in West Leederville when we spotted this fantastic recycling with an old mattress frame / springs used to make a vertical garden.

Great recycling with a vertical garden made mattress springs
Vertical garden made out of mattress inner springs


It makes a perfect frame for the plants to climb on. These plants will flourish with a new submersible water bore and the nutrient rich Perth bore water. The Perth coastal plain is generally ideal for bore water. Unlike the old fashioned wells with the tin lids a modern submersible bore is invisible and silent. It lasts and will save you money. Also with a water bore you can water your garden three days a week instead of two on mains water. Obviously you only water when needed.

A side shot of what a water bore looks like under ground
What a water bore looks like underground

If you would like talk to us about a new submersible bore check out our website HERE or call us on 9246 0111 7 days a week.