Tag Archives: friendly

New Water Bore Nedlands

We have drilled a new submersible water bore in Nedlands to a depth of 22 metres. It is popular in the area to have a water bore to water gardens and lawns. The depth to water in the area is mid range and we would normally use a 1.1 KW submersible pump and motor.

There was no access at the front of this Nedlands property for our bigger water boring rigs so we gained access using a trailer mounted rig. We manoeuvred the rig off a narrow back lane using the trusty old Landcruiser.

Water bore Nedlands

If you live in the Nedlands and Dalkeith area and are considering a water bore there is more information HERE including a bore quote request form or call us on 9246 0111.

We have many clients in the Dalkeith and Nedlands area. We service and repair their submersible water bores and reticulation.